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How do you price your virtual assistant services? Do you have packages? Packaging and pricing of virtual assistant services is a common topic among virtual assistants.
In this case study, you’ll hear from a VA who completed my packaging and pricing training and how it’s helped.
Nyla Clement is a Virtual Assistant from Trinidad and Tobago with a passion for design and a commitment to helping businesses tell their stories visually. She helps them achieve this through a suite of services, including content creation & support, graphic design, and social media management.
Nyla is dedicated to empowering creative entrepreneurs and businesses to tell their stories through bold and impactful visual narratives.
There were two main reasons why I sought out training on packaging and pricing my virtual assistant services. Clients often get hung up on the hourly rate instead of the overall benefit I could deliver for their business. The constant negotiation over hourly rates left me feeling burnt out. Additionally, my pricing structure was all over the place! I lacked a clear system for the different services I offer.
As a Virtual Assistant from the Caribbean, I was eager to establish myself, particularly within the US market. I saw a valuable opportunity to connect the dots between the US and the Caribbean business world. However, I lacked the specific tools and strategies to price and package my services effectively for this target audience. There's a ton of information online, but it was overwhelming.
After completing the DIY VA Startup Kit, which equipped me with the tools to launch my virtual assistant business, I craved a deeper dive into packaging and pricing strategies. What particularly piqued my interest in the "Package & Price Your Services with Ease" program was the emphasis on “Ease” and creating clear and simple packages, which resonated with my desire to streamline my business.
Several factors made your training stand out from other programs I considered, especially in terms of aligning with my vision for attracting ideal clients. First, it focused on creating special bundles (packages) that fit exactly what each client needs. This is great for clients because they love the convenience and effectiveness of having an all-in-one solution for their online presence.
Having well-defined packages allows me to target my ideal clients who value a streamlined approach and appreciate the bundled value I offer, ultimately attracting the kind of clients I envisioned when I started my VA business.
Before finding your training, I did explore a few online courses on pricing strategies. However, they focused on one-size-fits-all approaches that didn't translate well to the specific needs of virtual assistants. They also lacked a hands-on approach, leaving me unsure of how to actually put the strategies into practice. Your programme filled this gap.
It addressed the specifics of packaging virtual assistant services, breaking down each step – from crafting customized packages to setting rates that reflect our unique skillset. This empowered me to overcome the fear of charging my worth and position myself as a valuable asset to potential clients.
Since investing in your training, my VA life has transformed significantly. Now, I can confidently present well-defined packages that clearly communicate the value I offer, attracting clients who appreciate my customized solutions. Second, I've streamlined my workflow by focusing on delivering impactful packages rather than just selling hours.
As a new VA, starting with the hourly rate option can be a good stepping stone. However, I was struggling to hit my target income, and constantly negotiating rates left me feeling burnt out.
There have been several noticeable changes since completing your training. Most importantly, clients are now approaching me specifically for my packaged solutions, which allow me to command premium rates. Additionally, I've been able to reduce my overall workload by focusing on high-value activities that deliver impactful results for my clients offering all-round services. I’m no longer questioning how much can I fit into an hour of work but more streamlined in my activities and what I offer. My offerings are targeted.
I have the confidence to approach clients as a valuable business partner, offering solutions all-round solutions that address their specific needs.
The additional resources and supportive online community have been invaluable. You don't just teach the process of packaging and pricing virtual assistant services; you also provide access to a wealth of helpful templates, guides, and ongoing support.
But what truly sets this training apart is your focus on mindset. You tackle the mental hurdles VAs face, like self-doubt and imposter syndrome. You addressed this head-on, and more importantly, you showed us how to overcome it. You helped us see, feel, and believe in the value we offer, and then gave us the tools to confidently present that value to clients.
The biggest obstacle for me was addressing my limiting beliefs. This self-doubt held me back from attracting my ideal clients. The thought of negotiating rates or putting myself out there felt terrifying.
"Hi, Desi-Ann. I just wanted to check in and say thank you so much for your support and referrals. 🙏🏾
I have now reached half of my goal in the Pricing Your Packaging course I did a year back with you. My goal date was set to Dec 2023 this year. Though I'm halfway towards my goal I continued to be consistent especially when you stated to stay away from hourly packaging."
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