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About Desi-Ann Gordon

Hi there!

I'm Desi-Ann Gordon aka The VA Mom. I was born and raised in Trinidad & Tobago in the Caribbean.

Thanks for stopping by! 

As the owner of a virtual assistant business, I know first-hand how rewarding it can be to build a successful business that offers both freedom and flexibility.

I'm passionate about helping other women achieve this same level of success, which is why I created this website.

My journey into the virtual assistant world started when I was searching for a way to balance my desire for a fulfilling career with my need for more family time. In 2008, I was having my first child and, like almost every mother, I wanted to be home.

I wanted to be the perfect mother who is always available.

After working for several years in a traditional office setting, I realized that it just wasn't working for me. I wanted more control over my schedule, more autonomy in my work, and more time with my loved ones.

The truth? It didn’t happen until 2017! Yup, 9 years later!!!

Sometimes we have to wait to see our dreams become a reality. 

In 2017, I discovered the world of virtual assistance through numerous online searches. I was immediately drawn to the idea of providing support to other entrepreneurs and small business owners, while still having the freedom to work from anywhere and on my terms.

The Successful VA Academy is the place I call 'home for Virtual Assistants'. It's the space where I can teach you what I know and we can grow our businesses together. 

It's time for you to enjoy more FREEDOM, FLEXIBILITY, and FAMILY time!

My Educational Background

I hold a Master's degree in Adult and Continuing Education. I've also completed additional training and certification programs in virtual assistance and course creation, which have helped me hone my skills and become an even more effective partner to my clients.

My Non-Business Side

When I throw off my business hat, you’ll usually find me at church with my family, playing board games, or going on long drives. Me time involves watching HGTV, law enforcement or medical shows, or playing word games. 

I'm also a lover of seafood...sushi, fried calamari, pan-seared salmon 😋


Whether you're just starting on your virtual assistant journey, or you're looking for ways to grow and scale your business, I'm here to help.

Let's work together to create the life and career you've been dreaming of.


I provide a range of products and services to help you operate a successful virtual assistant business.


Get my undivided attention to discuss anything that's happening in your virtual assistant business


In The Successful VA Visibility Club, we focus on 6 visibility strategies to get seen by your dream clients.

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