DIY VA Startup Kit

Launch Your Virtual Assistant Business in 12 weeks

You deserve to enjoy: life without sacrificing your dreams

Flexibility...pursue what you love and work wherever you desire 

Family...create more memories with loved ones, doing things you all enjoy 

That’s my dream. I’m ready!

Here's what you'll get:

  • Overview of the VA Industry and the role of the VA (slideshow)
  • DIY VA Startup Workbook (fillable) - it goes through the 12-step roadmap in detail
  • Weekly Plan template
  • Hourly Rate calculator
  • Startup budget spreadsheet
  • What Services Should I Offer guide
  • Portfolio template
  • Brand board template
  • VA Business Resource guide

1 day of coaching with me on Voxer (Value: $150 USD)

Create Your VA Portfolio with ChatGPT (Value: $9 USD)

Learn EXACTLY how you could turn your dream into a reality.

You and your family deserve the best life possible...

But it doesn't have to be at the expense of not having you around.

This is exactly why you need to learn how to create and run a profitable business from the comfort of your home... 

When you implement my 12-step roadmap to building a successful VA business, you'll...

Be able to successfully replace a 9-5 salary with a more secure form of income

Save yourself years of trying to figure it out on your own

Avoid the stress and overwhelm that comes with trying to launch and run a business when you have no idea what you're doing

Gain a sense of freedom and flexibility you've never experienced before

But to effortlessly accomplish all these things...

It takes 1 proven, step-by-step roadmap and 1 very passionate coach, to hold your hand so you'll never have to feel lost again.

But who am I to be telling you all of this?

Being a full-time mom while working a full-time job, I had to...

  • Get up at 5:30 every morning
  • Prepare breakfast and lunch bags
  • Sit in traffic for an hour and a half, which I dreaded
  • Pick up my children after school, go back into traffic, help with homework, fix dinner and not go to sleep until after 10...

I was exhausted!

That was NOT the life I wanted... a life stuck in an endless routine with no real meaning or purpose.

Unfortunately, I spent 9 years in this cycle, dreaming of working from home, before I actually did anything about it. 

I didn't know any Caribbean woman who was doing it. 

Feeling like I was doing this new thing on my own and the pressure of needing to support my family, left me wondering if I was making the right decision.

My first year was rocky. But in my 2nd year, business started to pick up, and I had a lightbulb experience. There was a formula to this... a strategy that I'd been implementing that led to my success, without even realising it.

That strategy is my 12-step roadmap.

You don't have to wait years like I did to get started. And you certainly don't have to waste extra years trying to get it right.

I'm now in a place where I feel fired up about what I do - I feel like I'm fulfilling my purpose.

  • I've always had a desire to work with women. And with my background in education, I always had a knack for teaching and training. 

The reality is... you have SO much potential that you're stifling. And I see it as my role to help unearth that potential and help it flourish into something profitable.

Here's what these 2 amazing ladies had to say...

“I honestly think that your guidance has helped me to focus squarely on my goals, formulate them, believe in them, embrace them and be a guide on the side to take the next step.”

~Annette from Dominica~

“I am extremely pleased I took this course. It made my intention to launch a virtual assistant service less overwhelming. The process was progressive and the advice was very practical. I am more confident that I can successfully land clients."

~Lauren from Trinidad & Tobago~

If you're wondering at this point if this will work for you, no need to worry...

Here are Questions Other Women Have Asked

Can I benefit from this even if I have a full-time job? 

Most definitely. You can go through each of the 12 steps at your pace. So, make sure to fit in the time around your regular work schedule to complete the exercises.

Is there an age limit? Can more mature women be successful in this at our age?

There is no age limit. You can start your own business at any age and become successful with the right information, guidance, tools and mindset - all of which this kit provides. 

Will I get clients after this and start making money? Will this work for me?

Let's be honest here. I provide you with the tools and the knowledge. You have to put in the work. There are lots of clients just waiting for what you have to offer so with the right steps, you can get clients. 

I did courses before and was still wondering how to actually implement the information. How is this different?

It is different because I don't just tell you WHAT to do. You will receive a hand-holding experience, where I lead you step-by-step and show you HOW to actually implement what you will learn.

How does Voxer coaching work?

Voxer is a FREE app that allows us to connect using audio and text. Coaching sessions are available every Wednesday from 8 am to 10 am EST. You will have access to me during those hours to ask any questions related to starting your virtual assistant business. When you sign up, expect an email about setting up our Voxer session(s).

In the DIY VA Startup Kit, there are various action steps that you'll take to get you one step closer to launching your virtual assistant business.

Still unsure if you should get this kit?

Allow me to give you some clarity.

You're absolutely ready to become your own boss when...

  • You've been trying for months or even years to figure this out and may have even had failed attempts at launching other business ventures. You're at a point where you desperately need to finally get this right, stop wasting your time and money, and get out of this life you feel like you're stuck in.

  • You KNOW that you want to live a life full of meaning and purpose. You don't just want to follow a mundane job description. You want to wake up each morning proud to be doing what you're doing and adding value to others. It's not just about the money for you.

  • You have no problem investing a couple of hours per week because every bit of energy you invest is a strategic and meaningful step towards owning a profitable and consistently-growing online business.

  • You're the kind of person who is hungry and willing to work hard and do what it takes. You know the kind of life you want, and you're willing to reach out and grab it.

  • In fact, you’re ALREADY investing time and energy doing things like reading books, listening to podcasts and watching endless YouTube videos. The only problem is... without a clear strategy that ties them all together and a roadmap that tells you EXACTLY what you need to do, you’ve experienced crippling overwhelm around what to do next.

  • You've also invested years of your life into building someone else at a job that helps make THEM money... but what about you? You're at a point where you know it's time to invest in YOU.

  • You know that you have a skill or something that you're naturally good at; all you need is help with figuring out how to turn that skill into service and offer it to the world.

  • You're aware of all the life-changing benefits of having a successful online business. You can go on those vacations you've always wanted to do, without worrying about the bills, without thinking about sacrificing one thing for another due to lack of money, being able to support your family... and the list goes on.

If you said yes to at least 4 of these points, then this Kit is definitely for you!

Need more convincing?

Here’s what Nyla shared:

“I highly recommend The Successful VA Academy, DIY VA Startup Kit for anyone thinking about becoming a Virtual Assistant. The information in the DIY VA Startup Kit is extremely helpful and not to mention the priceless advice and guidance provided by Desi-Ann.

Desi-Ann has provided everything you need to get your business up and running in a clear, concise and easy to follow manner. 

This self pace course details understanding the VA Industry,  what services you should offer, and lots of other helpful tips!”

~Nyla from Trinidad~

It's time to enjoy FREEDOM, FLEXIBILITY, FAMILY! So, choose the option that works for you!!!

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Due to the digital nature of this product, no refunds are available. 

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 $ 95.00 USD

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