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Blog 5 Reasons Why You’re Not Attracting Clients

5 Reasons Why You’re Not Attracting Clients


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You've created a website, written posts, and created numerous products. But, you are still finding it difficult to attract the clients who you'd love to support. And what makes it more discouraging is you are not making sales. Does this sound like you?

Before you write your next blog or social media post or create another freebie, take a look at these 5 reasons why you're not attracting clients. Think about the ones that sound like you then take the necessary action.

Reason #1: You don't know your dream client

You're probably tired of hearing that you need to know who your dream (or ideal) client is. But, the reality is that when you have a clear idea of who you can help, you can make your life so much easier.

What do I mean by this? Well, your services will be aligned with your dream client's needs. Your messaging will resonate with your dream client. Your pricing will also be within their budget. 

Need I say more?

So, if you are not clear about the audience you wish to serve, you will have problems attracting them.

Take Action 📝

Create your dream client persona.

1. Get out a notebook or create a file on your computer and note your responses to each item below.


  • Age
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • Occupation 
  • Education level 
  • Location


  • Passions
  • Interests
  • Hobbies
  • Attitudes
  • Values
  • Habits

Social Life

  • Where does he/she like to socialize offline? 
  • Where does he/she usually socialize online?

Topics of Interest

  • What does he/she talk about?
  • What questions is he/she asking?
  • What problems does he/she want solved?
  • What comments does he/she post online?
  • What are his/her goals?

2. After you've written down responses to each section above, compile the information to create your client persona. Include:

  • a photograph of what he/she looks like
  • a short bio that captures the sections above

Reason #2: You lack specific skills and experiences

Let's get very practical here. 

If I were to ask you social media VAs, "What’s the latest trend in IG or Tik Tok or Clubhouse?", what would you say? Can you talk for at least 30 minutes about a scheduling tool that will reduce your clients' social media anxiety?

How about this? You say you want to be a Social Media Manager. Ok, great! But do you know what the position entails? Do you have experience managing a social media account? Social Media Management is much more than creating posts and ensuring they go onto the platform. It includes understanding what to post, when to post, analytics, and so on. 

How about you VAs who love to write copy? Is there an AI platform you use? Or do you spend time writing from scratch? What about for transcribing conversations with your clients? Do you use it (or something similar)?

These are just a few examples but I hope you get the point. 

Take Action 📝

🌟 Find courses, webinars and other forms of training to up your game.

🌟 Be very intentional about the training you do and avoid Shiny Object Syndrome. Participate in ones that will help you gain new skills for your specific services or hone existing ones that would make you stand out in our competitive global market. 

🌟 Spend time reading up on the latest trends in your niche.

Reason #3: You lack confidence

This is a big one! When you're in business, you want your clients to know you exist. How do you do that? By showing up. But how will you show up if you lack confidence? 

When we are confident, we usually don't think about it because it happens naturally. We probably don’t even recognize the amazing things we do. However, when we lack confidence, everything seems difficult.

For example, you may lack confidence and wish to start a new project. If you think you can't do it, you will hesitate, do a lousy job or not start at all!

Another example is having to talk to a stranger. It can seem daunting because you believe you are not good enough, you are less skilled or just think you won't impress them.

When we lack confidence, the world becomes a much more complicated and difficult place.

Take Action 📝

Start an Evidence File (I saw someone use this terminology). An Evidence File is a record of your accomplishments. For example, you did a project for a friend and he told you how satisfied he was with the outcome. Add it to your file. Put the date as well. As you keep adding ‘evidence’ you will be surprised to see how your confidence will get a boost.

Reason #4: You have little or no social proof

Testimonials help build client trust. They act as encouragement for potential buyers to understand who you are and how you could help them. 

Hear me out here. You have no excuse for not having testimonials. Whether you are just starting your business or have been around for some time, you should have a testimonial bank (that's my terminology by the way).

Take Action 📝

Here are some ways to get testimonials:

🌟 You worked at your local church with a fundraising event...Get a testimonial from your pastor/priest or committee leader

🌟 You created an invoice for your neighbour who is an electrician...Ask for a testimonial

🌟 At your last job, you cleaned up your manager's Google Drive by adding folders and sub-folders...Get a testimonial

🌟 Your sister asked you to create templates for her social media posts for her hairdressing business...Why not ask your sister to say how amazing you are?!

These are a few examples of tasks you've done and testimonials you could obtain. I think you get the picture. 

The bottom line is the Know, Like, Trust factor. Clients want to know you and like you before they can trust you. So while you are building your reputation, show them what others are saying about you. They are more likely to work with you based on the comments of past clients.

Our Client Testimonial Toolkit is an excellent resource to help you ask, collect, and publish testimonials.

Reason #5: You have little or no visibility

You're probably saying, "I'm not the 'public' type. I prefer to remain behind the scenes."

I get it because that's me too. But, we like to connect with people by looking at them or hearing their voice. When we see someone's face, we can connect in some way...the complexion, the ethnicity, the smile, and so on. We get to put a face behind the brand which means a greater chance of us buying into the brand. When you hear a voice, it also helps you to form a perception of the person.  So the use of audio and video messages is important.

If you've done any personality tests such as, you'll understand why you are how you are. The tests also provide guidance on how to become visible without feeling uncomfortable. I am an INFP and my personality type prefers to be off-camera. Instead, I usually get visible in other ways.

Take Action 📝

🌟 Add your picture to social media posts, social media banners, in your email headers or in the body of your emails. 

🌟 Attend online events with your camera on (when possible)

🌟 Attend in-person events

Are you ready to attract your dream clients? Get the 5 Proven Ways to Attract Your Dream Clients Workbook


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